
Maria Bartlett

I am an Economics and Spanish major and am completing my sophomore year at Furman.  I am a native of Greenville, SC, and actually have never visited Disney World before!
May Experience Interests
I was attracted to the Math and the Mouse May Experience Program for a variety of factors, but one of the foremost reasons is the opportunity it offers to study mathematical and scientific principles in an everyday setting like a theme park.  I’m excited to understand how the management of a large-scale operation like Disney World relies on math ideas and calculations, and I'm eager to be able to use quantitative skills and interests to make connections from the classroom to the work world; through these connections, I’m looking forward to being able to expand my knowledge of the applications of various fields of math.  I’m also interested to see the difference in the types of observations our group will make in the park when we have eyes toward the math operations of things versus what we may typically notice (or not notice!) as regular park visitors.   And of course, after growing up hearing about Disney from friends and family, I’m excited to see what the parks are really like!
Restaurant Interests
               As I have not visited the parks before, the bulk of what I’m most interested in potentially seeing in Disney World comes from what I have heard about over the years or from personal research on the park website.  For example, Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney movies, and I would be very excited to visit the Be Our Guest Restaurant, which simulates the castle of the beast from the film, in the Magic Kingdom Park.  I’m also interested to experience the international cuisines within the park as I have learned that Disney does its best to create the most authentic cultural experiences possible; for example, I think it would be interesting to visit an establishment with food of a country that I have never visited, such as the Chefs de France restaurant in Epcot.  Finally, I would love to visit Mama Melrose’s Ristorante Italiano in Hollywood Studios not only because of my love of Italian food, but also because it is one of the locations where dinner is accompanied by the “Fantasmic!” show, which is said to include exciting displays and performances by many park characters!
Attraction & Entertainment Interests
                In regards to attractions and entertainment, I am a big fan of roller coasters.  The Expedition Everest coaster in Animal Kingdom, due to its mountainous theme and the description of its ride characteristics, sounds especially thrilling.  Furthermore, Space Mountain in Magic Kingdom is another thrill ride which I have heard about for many years, and its indoor thrills seem as though they would be very exciting.  Lastly, I know that one of the biggest factors that makes Disney so unique is its offering of shows, and I am really looking forwards to getting to experience some of these events firsthand.  For example, I’m interested to potentially view the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular! In Hollywood Studios, which includes tricks by performers and live-action scenes from the movies.  While these are only a few of the attractions that I’m interested in possibly visiting, I’m most excited just to get to take in the entire park experience.
                I know that our group’s Disney World experience is going to be a fantastic one, and I couldn’t be more excited for three weeks of Mickey Mouse, math, and magic!

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